Calbee Group
TD Jagger Ltd
TD Jagger Ltd
642 Controlled Modulus Columns

Project Details
T D Jagger approached Menard UK to carry out Ground Improvement works beneath the foundations and floor slab of the new Seabrook Crisp factory extension. Controlled Modulus Columns (CMCs) was the chosen technique due to the close proximity of the existing manufacturing facility which continued to operate during our work.
Ground Conditions
The initial site investigation consisted of window sample holes and trial pits which showed the ground conditions to consist of made ground (1.9m – 2.9m) over natural clays. At the request of Menard UK, additional CPT were carried out across the whole site to map more precisely the variations of the different layers and inform the detailed CMC design.
Menard UK offered a Controlled Modulus Columns (CMC) solution allowing the construction of conventional shallow foundations. This ground improvement solution helped to reduce the carbon footprint of the project and accelerated the construction sequence. The CMCs were designed to reduce the residual settlements to 25mm, with relative differential settlements lower than 1/500, and to enhance the allowable bearing capacity to 200kPa beneath the footings and 50kPa beneath the floor slab. The final detailed design comprised over 600 CMCs taken to depths between 3.5m to 6.0m. The CMC works were completed in just over a week on site and have been verified through a thorough quality control system.