Your challenges
Transportation networks such as roads and railways are frequently located in areas underlain by highly compressible soil, such as associated with marshes or boggy areas near watercourses.
In addition to the geotechnical challenges, these schemes can have complex requirements due to constraints from working close to existing traffic and/or in multiple locations which are often in restricted access areas.
Our solutions
Menard can provide a range of solutions to meet the varied geotechnical conditions often encountered in such developments. In order to ensure the long-term reliability of the infrastructure, it is imperative to reduce and control the primary, secondary and differential settlements. This is particularly true where significant thicknesses of new fill are placed along the alignment of the scheme, as the existing ground can often be prone to significant settlement. Such schemes generally require extensive and/or complex ground improvement, which can be provided by Menard.
Infrastructure projects often require careful management of multiple sites and interfaces, using a range of solutions with complex constraint issues.

- Viaducts,
- Flyovers and overpasses,
- Bridge approach,
- Footbridges,
- Bridge abutments,
- Box culvert underpasses
- Railways embankments,
- Tramways,
- Railways stations
Roads and Highways
- Roads and highways embankments,
- Slope stabilization