Your challenges
The support systems required for energy schemes such as oil, gas, nuclear, windfarm projects are often complex. These developments are often sited in marginal locations underlain by challenging ground conditions such as thick deposits of weak, compressible soils, and this together with the large building footprints plus heavy plant, machinery and storage tanks which are often associated with such schemes can result in increased geotechnical risks.
Our solutions
The most cost-effective foundation solutions often require a combination of ground improvement techniques which are appropriate for the loads and the ground conditions. These solutions make it possible to:
- provide support to heavy uniform loads (water, oil, gas and battery storage)
- provide support to individual loads (pipeline supports, heavy industrial plant)
- support structures with dynamic loads (oscillations and vibrations)
- reduce the total and differential settlement of structures

Wind turbines
- On-shore or off-shore,
- Small to big size
Waste recycling centres
- Waste storage,
- Landfills,
- Incinerators
- Heavy process,
- Powerplants,
- Generator buildings
Polluted sites
- Soil remediation,
- Hazardous waste,
- Brownfield
Mines and quarry backfill
- Mine backfill,
- Void filling,
- Gravel pits
Hydraulic process
- Sewage treatment plants,
- Water treatment plants,
- Desalination plants
Storage tanks
- Oil & Gas,
- Fertilizer,
- Food,
- Construction materials
Oil & Gas terminals
- LNG terminal,
- Refinery,
- Oil & Gas terminal