
Yeadon Way Railway Embankment, Blackpool


OWNER: Blackpool Borough Council ENGINEER:  Coffey Geotechnical Limited GENERAL CONTRACTOR:  Galliford Try MAIN FIGURES:  1,500 Controlled Modulus Columns to depths of up to 15m Project Details The main arterial road into Blackpool uses a 30 year old railway embankment which was constructed on soft alluvial soils. The embankment [...]

Fife Energy from Waste Facility, Westfield


OWNER: Brockwell Energy ENGINEER:  Incico GENERAL CONTRACTOR:  HZI MAIN FIGURES:  13,282m² Dynamic Compaction Project Details The project consisted in the construction of a new Energy From Waste facility in Fife, Scotland. Menard has been approached by repeat client HZI to design and implement an alternative ground improvement solution [...]

Multi-use Development at 331 Wick Road, Hackney Wick


OWNER: Bloom Developments ENGINEER:  Jackson Purdue Lever GENERAL CONTRACTOR:  TanRo MAIN FIGURES:  216 Controlled Modulus Columns Project Details TanRo approached Menard to find a cost-effective alternative foundation solution for a development by Bloom of two industrial units totalling 600 m² of ground floor in a prime location in [...]

Units 1,2 and 3 at Hinkley Park, Leiceistershire


OWNER: IM Properties ENGINEER:  Fairhurst GENERAL CONTRACTOR:  Winvic Construction MAIN FIGURES:  2,114 Dynamic Replacement pillars Project Details Following the successful completion of ground improvement works on the previous phase of this Hinckley Park (Leiceistershire) logistics development in 2019, Winvic approached Menard to find a cost-effective foundation solution for [...]

Process & Energy


The support systems required for energy schemes such as oil, gas, nuclear, windfarm projects are often complex. The most cost-effective foundation solutions often require a combination of ground improvement techniques.

Rail & Road


Menard can provide a range of solutions to meet the varied geotechnical conditions often encountered within the rail & road sector, in order to ensure its long-term reliability.

Ports & Airports


Port and airport infrastructures are frequently built upon alluvial plains and coastlines. Sites often consist of compressible soils which are saturated, and require ground treatment to accelerate consolidation.



Building-related projects require a high level of organisation to manage the programme across complex worksites. Rapid implementation and on-time delivery are crucial to the delivery of these schemes.

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