OWNER: Dubai Port World ENGINEER: CGR (Cullen Grummitt & Roe) GENERAL CONTRACTOR: Laing O'Rourke and Dredging International (Joint Venture) MAIN FIGURES: 4,002 Vibrofloatations to depths of 20-25 metres, improving 1.3M m3 Project Details The new £1.5bn London Gateway port in the Thames estuary will provide 2.7km of quay [...]
Deep Water Berth at Bootle Docks, Liverpool
laurengrimes2023-08-17T12:29:51+02:00OWNER: Peel Ports ENGINEER: AECOM GENERAL CONTRACTOR: BAM and Van Oord MAIN FIGURES: 142 Vibro Stone Columns to depths of 20 metres Project Details BAM and Van Oord were constructing a new deep water berth at Bootle Docks in Liverpool for Peel Ports. This required the reclamation of [...]
Ports & Airports
admin75082023-09-13T17:02:34+02:00Port and airport infrastructures are frequently built upon alluvial plains and coastlines. Sites often consist of compressible soils which are saturated, and require ground treatment to accelerate consolidation.