VINCI Environment Week: Celebrating Water Day 2023

Our Environmental Advisor Georgia Gillen has had a busy week! She explains why:
“This week marks VINCI Environment Week with Friday 22nd September being Water Day. This year’s theme is Water Conservation. Across our many sites and offices, talks were held to discuss the importance of water conservation on sites, at home and in offices. We focused on why conserving water is important and highlighted ideas and new initiatives to recycle and reuse water.
A competitive challenge also took place across Vibro Menard this week which replicated an oil spill on site on a much lower scale. Sites (and offices) teamed together, stopped to discuss what resources were available to them and how they planned to go about the task to work as quickly and efficiently as possible to remove the oil from the water.
The aim was to highlight the importance of setting up our works away from water courses, what could happen if we had an oil spill and how to deal with this quickly and safely. Thank you to all who participated!”