University of Bolton Student Day At Horwich Project

Menard, along with D Morgan, have recently hosted students from Bolton University on our ongoing project in Horwich where we presented our 3 technique ground improvement solution for support beneath a new road construction. It has been great to meet some of the next generation of engineers and we look forward to further visits this week.
Working for D Morgan on the project for Bolton Council, we are carrying out ground improvement to a 1km long new link road in Horwich intended to open up new access to further housing and commercial developments.
VM was contacted back in 2021 by the principal engineer to provide an alternative solution due to the difficult ground conditions encountered. The new road embankments are up to 3.5m high from existing levels and are to be constructed over ground consisting of 3-9m of very soft clays and peat. VM proposed a solution of Dynamic Replacement (DR) in combination with Prefabricated Vertical Drains (PVDs) to control residual settlements and differential settlements beneath the road surfacing with all design being undertaken by our in-house design team.
We are also due to install Controlled Modulus Columns (CMCs) to support 2no. new spanning slabs constructed to protect existing United Utilities assets running beneath the new road. The vibration free process can be used in close proximity to the sewer and high pressure main without causing unwanted damage.
The combined DR + PVD solution provides a cost effective alternative in comparison to more traditional solutions such as piling or dig out and replace, and also sees a substantial reduction in the creation of CO2 in comparison to these techniques. The DR system, which was developed by the Menard Group can be used in all types of cohesive soils including peat and involves creating large diameter compacted stone pillars through the soft material in order to provide support to the structure above.