An award-winning collaborative team – BGA Fleming Award 2024!

Congratulations to Menard UK, Fehily Timoney , Ramboll UK, John Sisk & Son Ltd and Transport Infrastructure Ireland on winning the British Geotechnical Association 2024 Fleming Award for the Dunkettle Interchange Upgrade Scheme in Cork, Ireland
Menard UK and Menard Ireland worked in collaboration with this successful team on the recently constructed Dunkettle Interchange Upgrade Scheme, which involved a large amount of complex geotechnical works. Menard devised, designed and installed a ground improvement scheme using Controlled Modulus Columns (CMCs) and Prefabricated Vertical Drains (PVDs) to support reinforced earth embankments which were constructed over deep soft soils. The judging for the award acknowledged the significant geotechnical challenges faced on the scheme.
This key infrastructure project has improved traffic flows and safety around Cork and is integral to growth in the area.
Well done to everyone involved and a big thank-you to those who submitted and presented for the award.